Happy Water Professionals Appreciation Week!
Happy Water Professionals Appreciation Week!

California’s fourth annual Water Professionals Appreciation Week kicks off on October 3rd, highlighting the important role of water industry professionals and local public water agencies in ensuring safe and reliable water, wastewater and recycled water operations in California. Now more than ever, we appreciate the dedication of our highly trained operators, technicians and other specialists in the water sector.

Water Professionals Appreciation Week was established in 2017 by Senate Concurrent Resolution 80, by Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa). Recent labor studies estimate that 60,000 people work in California’s water industry and it needs roughly 6,000 new employees each year due to turnover. The water industry offers a wide variety of rewarding career opportunities in engineering, biology, finance, business administration, law, communications and many more types of positions in high-demand occupations. The measure was sponsored by a coalition of water associations led by the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), WateReuse California, California Municipal Utilities Association, California Association of Sanitation Agencies and California Water Association. Under SCR 80, the annually designated week begins on the first Saturday of October and ends on the Sunday of the following weekend.

Nossaman applauds our California water professionals and local public water agencies for educating water customers, local elected leaders, state and federal legislators and other key audiences on the crucial issues faced by these essential workers in providing services every day. We invite the community to join us as we thank our dedicated and committed clients and colleagues working in water!  #CAWaterWeek #EssentialWorkers #WeAreCAWater

  • Alfred E. Smith II

    Alfred Smith, chair of Nossaman's Water Group, is a recognized expert in water, environmental, transportation and public agency law. A graduate of the Harvard Law School, he has successfully litigated multiple water right ...

California Water Views provides timely and insightful updates on the water sector in the state. We relay information on how water legislation and policy from the nation’s capital, Sacramento, and around the U.S. affect California’s water utilities, agencies, practitioners, and consumers.  We also write about important events, conferences, legal cases, and other key happenings involving all things water in and around California.

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