Posts tagged force majeure.
Atmospheric Rivers: Force Majeure or Just Another Rainy Day?

After months of unusually heavy rainfall from California’s atmospheric rivers in the beginning of 2024, many projects found themselves facing delays, additional costs and setbacks due to the wet weather. In determining who is responsible for those delays, costs or setbacks, the first thing to look for in a contract are provisions on Force Majeure. Some parties may be surprised by what their contract says on Force Majeure and what risk they assumed for bad weather. … 

Supporting Our Clients in the Wake of the COVID-19 Outbreak

In response to the outbreak of COVID-19, we are closely monitoring guidance issued by local, state and federal authorities, as well as information distributed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. We are dedicated to helping clients address business disruptions, anticipate potential challenges and mitigate risk associated with irregular operations. We are available to assist in a number of core areas that may impact public agencies and businesses in this rapidly changing environment. Please visit our COVID-19 Response Team page to read our ongoing coverage of these issues as they evolve ...

California Water Views provides timely and insightful updates on the water sector in the state. We relay information on how water legislation and policy from the nation’s capital, Sacramento, and around the U.S. affect California’s water utilities, agencies, practitioners, and consumers.  We also write about important events, conferences, legal cases, and other key happenings involving all things water in and around California.

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